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Cheddar Gorge, Somerset


Mendip Storytelling Circle

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The Mendip Storytelling Circle is run by and for people who love to tell and listen to traditional and contemporary stories. 

The Circle is led by a team of four -

Colin Emmett, Martin Horler,

Janet North and Drift Snowbarger.

They each have their own distinctive style of storytelling and are often joined by members of the audience and guests who would like to tell a story.

Meet the Tellers - Colin, Martin, Janet and Drift!

Colin Emmett

Colin Emmett was first introduced to storytelling whilst listening, with his grandmother, to David Kossoff telling Bible stories on the wireless. Later, having discovered the world of folk traditions, Colin enjoyed telling the odd tale himself.

Now, in retirement, Colin tell stories at every opportunity and is active in promoting the oral tradition of storytelling at open garden events, flower festivals, U3A, village socials, WI’s, weddings, care homes and storytelling gatherings.

Having spent 40 years producing large wooden toys for a living Colin still strives to make wooden jig dolls for a hobby. Colin is also heavily involved in organising Priston Festival and promoting live music sessions in pubs. Colin can be contacted direct on: 

Janet North has always been a storyteller (so says her father!) but it was not until meeting a

professional storyteller and undertaking training at the International School of Storytelling

that she found her calling.  

For almost a decade she has been telling stories in community at libraries, WI's, care homes, cafes, fetes and festivals and around camp fires.


Having had a varied career working in local radio and television, keeping goats, training as a

weaver, yoga teacher and well-being practitioner, she now brings all of these life experiences

together as a tale-weaver, storyteller, published poet and writer of tales.

Janet believes in the power of story to nourish, entertain and build community.


She is a member of the Society for Storytelling and can be contacted directly via email at

JD and Little Oak.jpeg
Martin Horler

Martin Horler has always had an interest in the folk world as a singer, morrisman, dance caller and as a drummer with a ceilidh band.


He loves folk tradition and has performed in many Mummers Plays - always playing the role of Father Christmas, as did his great-grandfather who was also a step-dancer and who accompanied himself on a piccolo.


Martin has revived the tradition of Wassail and 'Burning the Ashen Faggot' near his home in Kilmersdon.

Storytelling is a natural extension of folk tradition which Martin has performed for some years now. Well known as ‘The Somerset Storyteller’  Martin provides Somerset themed storytelling evenings for W.I. groups, clubs and societies all over the South West.

Contact him at


Drift Snowbarger writes and performs his own stories…..(and it’s nice of him to take the blame!).


He is a teller of modern stories relating the trials and tribulations of one short bald man as he tries to navigate the pitfalls of daily life.


Do not expect any moral lessons, except, perhaps to be glad you’re not Drift.....Drift Snowbarger - short man - tall stories.


He performs regularly around the area and has performed at Buddha Field Festival, the All in the Mind Festival, Bath Comedy Festival, Bath Fringe, Exeter Fringe, Frome Festival, Hotwells Festival and has even performed in Canada.


Contact Drift on - 

Drift Snowbarger

Some 'Special'  Events.....

''Stories from the Landscape' - the Circle presented related tales for 'Avon                       Needs Trees' at their Publow forest site


         'The Prophesy of Merlin'  - story and music by Mike O'Connor & Barbara Griggs.
     A National Storytelling Week event in aid of Medecins sans Frontiers and the Red Cross

A Special Evening in aid of the Ukraine Appeal

In aid of the Ukraine Appeal - a special evening with Storytelling Laureate Taffy Thomas & musician Mossy Christian

Storytelling Picnic in the yurt at Stowey, Bishop Sutton

Storytelling in the roundhouse at Avon Wildlife Trust, Stowey

A Winter Story Supper at Farrington Gurney Village Hall

A Winter Story Supper at Farrington Gurney Village Hall celebrating National Storytelling Week

Ston Easton Village Hall location map
Ston Easton Bus Shelter

The Mendip storytelling circle meet on the second Wednesday of the month at Ston Easton Village Hall, Green Street, Ston Easton, BA3 4DA.


Doors open at 7:30 pm, for a 7:45 pm start. Stories finish at 9:30 pm. (There is also a tea break!)

Get in touch.....




Tel. 07510 699046 


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